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2008-05-30 15:58:37
《中华人民共和国食品安全法(草案)》英文译本已由北大英华翻译完成,请北大法律信息网的英文客户前往查阅: {链接}http://www.lawinfochina.com/Law/Display.asp?Id=6777{/链接}《中华人民共和国食品安全法(草案)》英文译本全文{//链接} {链接} http://www.lawinfochina.com/Law/Display.asp?Id=6777{/链接}Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft) {//链接} {链接} http://www.lawinfochina.com/Law/Display.asp?Id=6777{/链接} Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of preventing, controlling and eliminating hazards to human body caused by food contamination and harmful factors in food, preventing and reducing food-borne diseases, guaranteeing food safety, protecting the people’s life safety and physical health, and building up the people’s constitution. Article 2 This law shall apply to the following activities within the territory of the People’s Republic of China: 1. Food production and processing (hereinafter referred to as “food production”), and food circulation and catering services (hereinafter referred to as “food trading”); 2. Production and trading of food additives; 3. Production and trading of packaging materials, containers, detergents and disinfectants for food and utensils and equipment for food production and trading (hereinafter referred to as “food-related products”); 4. Use of food additives and food-related products by food producers and traders; and 5. Safety management of food, food additives and food-related products. The quality and safety management of edible primary products from agriculture (hereinafter referred to as “edible agricultural products”) shall be governed by the provisions of the law on the quality and safety of agricultural products. However, the formulation of quality and safety standards for edible agricultural products and the public release of safety information on edible agricultural products shall be governed by the relevant provisions of this Law. The safety management of genetically modified food shall also be governed by the provisions of relevant administrative regulations. Article 3 Food producers and traders shall engage in production and trading in strict accordance with this Law, other relevant laws, regulations and food safety standards, and shall not produce or trade in unsafe food; otherwise, they shall assume legal liabilities according to this Law. Article 4 The local people’s government at or above the county level shall bear the overall responsibility for the food safety supervision and administration within its own administrative region, uniformly lead and coordinate the work of food safety supervision and administration within its own administrative region, and establish and improve a food safety supervision and administration coordination mechanism; shall uniformly lead and direct countermeasures against food safety emergencies; and shall establish a food safety supervision and administration accountability system to evaluate and examine the supervision and administration departments of food safety. The agency within an administrative region at a lower level established by the department of the people’s government at a higher level shall do a good job in the food safety supervision and administration under the uniform coordination of the local people’s government.{//链接} {链接} http://www.lawinfochina.com/Law/Display.asp?Id=6777{/链接} Article 5 …{//链接} {加粗}“北大法宝”— 英文在线 {/加粗} {链接} http://www.lawinfochina.com{/链接}www.lawinfochina.com{//链接} 主要适用于外国机构、外资企业以及外国商人和涉外法律工作者,内容以具有涉外经济和商业法律法规为主,囊括了自1949年的法律、重要法规规章、司法解释、地方法规规章等6000余篇(数据每天更新中),同时收录翻译最高人民法院公报的刑法、民法、经济法、海洋法、知识产权法等方面的判例600多篇,并且实现重要法律法规颁布后一个月内提供英文译本。 代表性客户:金杜律所 哈佛大学 美国大使馆 富尔德律所 …… 特别服务:对暂时还没有收录的法律法规,我们可以提供临时翻译服务;还可根据您的需求,提供专业法律翻译,打造个性化英文数据库。 {加粗}“北大法宝”— 法规在线 {/加粗} {链接} http://vip.chinalawinfo.com{/链接}vip.chinalawinfo.com{//链接} 适合律所、司法机构、公司法律部门或法律工作者个人上网使用,“北大法宝”法规在线是北大法律信息网全新推出的法学资料在线检索高端产品。除具有资料内容丰富、检索功能强大等特点外,在法条联想基础上,新增法律逐条释义、法律实务指南、经典案例评析、历史法条对比及主要法学教程。同时,对法条、案例和学术信息进行深入挖掘和互动关联,在丰富数据库内容的同时,将法律信息立体化,使命中法条与各种实务和学术信息融会贯通,为您提供深入全面的法律资讯解决方案。收录1949年至今40余万(数据每天更新中)法律、行政法规、部门规章、司法解释;全国31个省、自治区、直辖市的地方性法规、政府规章;最高法公报案例、各地裁判文书、仲裁裁决、中外条约、大量合同范本、法律文书、法学教程、法学论文、条文释义、参考文件等信息。 代表性客户:君合律所 清华大学 用友软件 国家图书馆 …… {加粗}“北大法宝”— 法学期刊 {/加粗} {链接} http://journal.chinalawinfo.com{/链接}journal.chinalawinfo.com{//链接} 主要收录法学核心期刊;各刊文献覆盖创刊号至今发行的所有文献;根据文献内容对其进行细致整理及专业分类;用户可立体化地准确检索所需文献;提供PDF和网页两种阅读方式;全文中实现“法条联想”功能;各种统计数据方便您了解各领域法学研究的概况。 提供最新法学期刊目录免费订阅服务。通过邮件订阅各法学期刊最新目录,及时了解法学论文发表动态。 目前已成功收录国内27家法学期刊全文,各刊内容覆盖创刊号至今发行的所有文献;9家法学核心期刊目录;期刊总期数达2300期,全文文献共6万余篇;更多法学期刊数据添加正在进行中。 {加粗}“北大法宝”— 司法案例 {/加粗} {链接} http://vip.chinalawinfo.com/Case/ {/链接}vip.chinalawinfo.com/Case/ {//链接} “北大法宝”— 中国司法案例数据库,由民事案例、刑事案例及行政案例3个数据库组成。全面精选收录我国大陆法院的各类案例,根据用户需求提供全方位检索、导航功能,并独家推出个案系统呈现、案例帮助系统及刑事比对功能。同时在“北大法宝”法条联想功能的基础上,进一步实现法规与案例的全方位的联想功能,使用户在最短时间内了解与本案相关的理论、实务方面的知识。 {链接} http://www.chinalawinfo.com/bdfb/{/链接} 点击了解更多产品资讯,{//链接} 咨询热线:010-82689699;E-mail:{链接}mailto:bdfb@chinalawinfo.com{/链接}admin@chinalawinfo.com{//链接}